Because the Zodiac Collection is a new thing, we know that currently 9/12ths of the signs are (maybe not-so-patiently) waiting for their special scents. We haven’t forgotten about you!
We’ve brought in our new resident astrologer, Sea, to offer every sign insight into the month ahead and a candle recommendation to go with it. Because we know that horoscopes can sometimes leave you saying, “That’s interesting, but what do I do about it?” there will also be a monthly challenge for each sign to take action based on the opportunities the alignment of the stars provides.
Gemini: The Sun shines on you, dear Gemini! This month provides plenty of opportunities to focus on the things that make you, well, you! The Twins are the only sign that’s represented by two people, so make sure to indulge in activities that satisfy every side of you. Has it been a while since you engaged in a favorite activity or have you been neglecting a topic you enjoy exploring? Prioritize doing the things that make you feel the most like yourself this month and bask in the mood boost!
Candle: Obviously we’re going to recommend the Gemini candle for the birthday babes! It’s juicy and invigorating, making your you-time all the more delightful.
Challenge: Return to an old hobby or interest that makes you feel alive.
Cancer: It’s time to take a long, hard look at what you’ve been pushing away, Cancer. The Sun in Gemini shines a light on the things that can be uncomfortable for you to look at, but it’s better to use this energy to your advantage than to have a sudden burst of emotion show up in the wrong context months from now. What hurts in your heart? What memories haunt you when you can’t sleep at night? Hold space for the waves of emotion. They’re going to show up eventually, so why not now?
Candle: The High Priestess tarot candle creates a grounded but meditative ambiance for doing your inner work.
Challenge: Shadow work, baby. Set aside some focused time to feel the emotions you’ve been avoiding.
Leo: With your social life in focus, Gemini season is a great time to get together with people you find interesting. While hanging with the besties is always fun, think beyond the obvious choices. Who would you like to get to know better? What if your friends were each given a +1 to bring someone you don’t already know? Whether or not you’re single, Leo, get out there and mingle!
Candle: Peach Patch is a bright and juicy scent that’s ripe for conversation.
Challenge: Host a get-together. Bonus points if you serve a peach-infused signature drink!
Virgo: You know the phrase “done is better than perfect”? It might make you cringe, Virgo, but when the Sun is in Gemini, it’s excellent advice. The things you put out into the world are likely to get more attention right now and while that might make you want to dig even deeper into the perfectionism, please resist the urge. There are opportunities you might miss if you take too long, so challenge yourself to exit the polishing phase and trust that you will shine.
Candle: If you’re gonna step out of your comfort zone, you might as well not feel like it. Spring Fling is a fresh cotton scent with a touch of floral.
Challenge: Put completion ahead of perfection. Pick a project (right now!) you have the urge to fine-tune and commit to having it done before Cancer season arrives.
Libra: You thrive when the Sun visits Air signs, Libra, and Gemini season is especially good for doing deep dives into areas of interest. Sign up for that course you’ve been eying, crack open the how-to book you never got to, or binge the niche documentaries that have been patiently waiting in your streaming queue. Your mind is open to stimulation and right now, it has the potential to lead to a lasting change in how you view the world.
Candle: Athena’s Library is the musky scent that any discerning connoisseur of knowledge will enjoy.
Challenge: Enrich your mind by studying a topic that deepens your understanding of the world and how you move in it.
Scorpio: Did you know that Gemini season is an extra magical time for you? The Sun gives a boost to your natural powers of transformation, so if you are ready to make some big changes, seize the moment! Being clear on what you are leaving behind and what you are moving into is super important, though, as Gemini likes to go back and forth. But being a very decisive sign, Scorpio, it should be easy to stick to once you forge a strong intention.
Candle: Want a scent to help you set the mood? The vetiver and nag champa in Goodnight, Moon create a beautifully meditative vibe.
Challenge: Decide on something you would like to change and dedicate a moment to initiating it. Ritualize as much or as little as you’d like, but be clear in your intention!
Sagittarius: The Sun in Gemini puts the spotlight on your intimate relationships and other partnerships. Who’s on your team, Sagittarius? If that’s an easy question to answer, take the time to celebrate and love on them! If you’re feeling conflicted about your pairing(s), this month will give you signs as to what direction to go. And if you are feeling lonely, start out by loving on yourself. Being good at being your own partner makes it easier to navigate who deserves special access to you.
Candle: The Hierophant will cleanse your heart, leaving more space to tap into what’s right for you.
Challenge: Journal on what partnership means to you, including what you are most delighted to give and what you most desire to receive. Use it as a standard for your close connections.
Capricorn: Being as ambitious and driven as you are, Capricorn, it’s important to take care of yourself. This is doubly true when the Sun is in busy Gemini. Set aside some time to ground your body and relax your mind. If you can do both at once, all the better! Think yin yoga, leisurely walks at sunset and barefoot stretching on a patch of grass. The world may be pressuring you to be fast, but as a Saturn-ruled sign, it’s important to embrace slowing down.
Candle: The Earth and Her Moon was blended specifically to be relaxing and promote well-being. Just what the candle-doctor ordered!
Challenge: Set aside at least 10 minutes each day to disconnect from your worries and prioritize your wellness.
Aquarius: Each Gemini season, you are blessed with a boost in creativity. Don’t let it go to waste! Whether you decide to pull out your art supplies, join a community theater in the park production or come up with a really unique solution to something that’s been bothering you, know that the benefits are going to go beyond the results. Getting those juices flowing can help you in so many ways, Aquarius, so don’t be shy!
Candle: Indigo Prism is a complex scent that’s just as one-of-a-kind as your sign. Use it to set the mood for any creative endeavor!
Challenge: Pick a way to tap into your creativity and actually work it into your schedule.
Pisces: Something Gemini and Pisces have in common is their ability to flow with change. But that doesn’t mean that it’s always easy! Having a strong home base helps and this is a theme that’s likely to come up for you this month, so why not work some magic on your living space? You’re a natural intuitive, Pisces, so feel into your home and notice areas that seem stagnant, sluggish or sad. Find a way of refreshing the energy and seal it up by burning a candle that matches your intentions for the space.
Candle: May we suggest Summer Kiss? It’s a fresh and dewy blessing of a scent. It’s both green and floral without either being overwhelming, which creates a beautifully balanced vibe.
Challenge: Magic-ify your living space to make it easier to recover from life’s ups and downs.
Aries: When the Sun is in Gemini, it’s an opportunity for you to gain clarity about your immediate surroundings. Your mental faculties are heightened and good ideas are more likely to come easily. But being an Aries, follow-through can be a challenge (and Gemini vibes can be distracting as well). Notice which of your ideas are the really good ones and then making a game out of following through. Having fun (or at least making the task more pleasant) is the trick!
Candle: Is it weird to say that a candle smells like “a good time”? Well, that’s the case for Midsummer Glow. Burn it to help you when you need to get something done!
Challenge: Find a way to make working on your best ideas playful and fun.
Taurus: The coming month puts the things that bring you stability into focus. Prioritize what makes you feel good in the long run over the impulse (tempting though Gemini energy may be). Better yet, find a balance! For instance, your candle this month is Secret Garden, which is on sale for May. Take the difference between what you paid and full price and then put it in your savings or donate it. Work that mindset this month, Taurus, and watch out for the ripples!
Candle: The herbs in Secret Garden invoke vibes of growth through good choices being natural and easy.
Challenge: Practice what you preach and find a way to deliberately act on your values.
Sea (they/them) is the Intuition Magician, an astro-tarot reader and intuition mentor living on the Naumkeag land known as Salem, Massachusetts with their cats. They combine tarot and astrology to get a full picture of the forces at work in life and use that information to help you craft an authentic path forward. Connect with them on Instagram and find their workbooks, readings and mentorship sessions here.